North American XP-82 Twin Mustang

@ Titusville, FL

September 2021

While on a Florida trip I stopped by the Valiant Air Command museum to see what was new and was blown away to see this Twin Mustang residing there. There are some misconceptions that this was simply two P-51s joined together, one of the many differences is that the fuselage is 57 inches longer than a Mustang. This XP-82 was the second prototype of the long-range escort fighter produced and used by North American Aviation for the type’s development until March 1946. In 1947 the aircraft was assigned to NACA. Written off after sliding off a runway in 1950, it was sold to famed collector Walter Soplata for scrap in the mid-50s. In 2008 this Twin Mustang began a 10 year restoration and returned to the air on December 31, 2018. Of the 272 built, only five airframes survive today. Fuji X-Pro2 w/18-135mm.

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